Newsletter #113 (International)

On 2025-02-04

In Newsletters (International)

January-February 2025
In this edition, we are already preparing for the next Annual General Meeting of RENAULT shareholders : how to access the voting site and presentation of the first resolutions.

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Wednesday 30rd of april 2025 : Annual General Meeting of de RENAULT shareholders

Dear readers,

2024 has been recorded as the hottest year on Earth in the industrial era: climate change is real. A pragmatic approach consists, on one hand, in adapting to it and, on the other hand, in doing everything possible to limit its worsening. This is what Renault Group is doing with its offensive offer of electric vehicles from Alpine and Ampere, its hybrid offer, and its efforts to reduce CO2 emissions at Renault and Dacia. But that's not all, the Group is also extending its efforts to design and production sites by promoting the use of recycled materials, clean, renewable, and local energies.

It is also in this spirit of environmental and societal responsibility that the Group places Renault shares in our hands to give us the power to act on its future. To exercise this power, it will be necessary to vote at the General Assembly on April 30th, which requires an effort to understand the issues and impacts of the resolutions on which we will have to take a position. AASR wishes to accompany you in this effort and is starting to offer you some keys to understanding.

Renault makes the effort to offer us shares, it is up to us to make the effort to vote in April!

Happy reading,

C. Quintard, President of AASR

Access to the voting site

Since last year, access to the resolution voting site has been greatly simplified: no need to find the BNP email or create temporary passwords... all past troubles are forgotten. The voting will simply be done through your account on the "Mon Epargne Entreprise" website of BNP-Paribas.

If you haven't activated it yet, do it now, don't wait until the last moment:

My Company Savings Website

In case of difficulty, contact BNP at +33 (0) 1 49 37 82 36, or contact us if difficulties persist.

2025 Resolutions

The resolutions that will be presented at the 2025 General Assembly are not yet known, but some are mandatory every year, and we can start their presentation:

Resolutions No. 1 and No. 2

Approval of the annual accounts for the previous year ending on December 31st. Approval of the consolidated accounts for the previous year ending on December 31st.

  • The annual accounts are those of Renault SA, while the consolidated accounts will also include the equity method for joint ventures and associated companies.
  • Since it is not possible for an individual shareholder to verify the company's accounts, this task is entrusted to Auditors, who are independent professionals. They will publish a report that can be consulted before the General Assembly, in which they can make observations and remarks. Based on this report, shareholders can take a position.
  • If these resolutions are not accepted, the company's accounts are not approved. Anomalies identified by the Auditors must be rectified, and it may also indicate a lack of confidence in the directors, who may be required to resign.


Resolution No. 3

Appropriation of the result for the previous year ending on December 31st and determination of the dividend:

  • The Board of Directors proposes the distribution of a portion of the previous year's result to shareholders in the form of dividends. The undistributed portion of the result is allocated to the company's reserves. Under no circumstances does the payment of dividends impact the amount of salaries or bonuses for employees, as these are already taken into account in the company's result. On the contrary, employee shareholders will receive their share of dividends, through the Renault Actions FCPE, in addition to the salaries and bonuses received as employees.
  • The payment of a high dividend instills confidence in investors and consequently supports the share price. The company's credit rating may also benefit from this and be evaluated positively, allowing the company to finance its projects at lower rates. However, it is important not to imbalance the company's accounts by paying an excessively high dividend. Shareholders are responsible for judging this balance.
  • If this resolution is not approved, the dividend amount may be revised (upward or downward).


Resolution No. 4

Report of the Auditors on the elements used to determine the remuneration of participating securities:

  • Participating securities were issued in 1982 and 1983, during the time of RNUR (Régie Nationale des Usines Renault). Unlike shares, they provide their holders with income based on turnover rather than profit. Two million securities were originally issued, and the company has already been able to repurchase a large portion of them. However, there are still approximately 800,000 securities that have an annual impact on the company's result.
  • The Auditors verify that the commitments made to the holders of these securities are being respected. They issue a report on which shareholders can take a position.
  • If this resolution is not approved, any identified anomalies must be corrected. However, it will not affect the existence of participating securities.


Resolution No. 5

Approval of regulated agreements and commitments as referred to in Articles L.225-38 and following of the Commercial Code:

  • The company may enter into agreements or make commitments with other companies or entities, for example, with Nissan, with the French State, etc.
  • The Auditors verify the compliance of these agreements and commitments. They issue a report on which shareholders can take a position.
  • If this resolution is not approved, any identified anomalies must be corrected, and some agreements or commitments may be called into question.


The presentation of the resolutions will continue in the upcoming bulletins

Evolution of Renault's stock price since January 1st.

B113 g4

Information about the Association

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To manage your savings


BNP E&RE (Renault Company saving plans manager) :

  • Internet : My Company Savings
  • Phone : from France : 08 00 00 75 35 / from other countries : +33 (0) 1 49 37 82 36